Built into our very nature is a desire to know the world around us. The big questions of your life are inescapable: Who am I/? Why am I here, and where am I going? Why is there evil in the world? What is the meaning of life? By tackling these difficult questions, Fr. Spitzer shows that it is precisely through integrating science, reason, and faith that we can truly discover ourselves, our world…and God.
Section Date Time Venue SF-01 March 12 7:00-8:30 pm St. Bruno Church St. Bruno Church
15740 Citrustree Rd.
Whittier, CA 90603View MapPurchase tickets at the door
Did the universe begin with a “Big Bang” as science suggests or the direct hand of God? What is the surprising origin of the Big Bang theory? Can something really be created from nothing? Why does every major Catholic University have a Physics and Biology Department? Fr. Dave will clearly explain how both God and science reveal the truth of our universe…and with plenty of time for your questions.
Section Date Time Venue SF-02 March 21 Noon to 1 pm St. Bruno Church St. Bruno Church
15740 Citrustree Rd.
Whittier, CA 90603View MapPurchase tickets at the door
Did God really create the entire universe in just seven days? The fist book of the bible says so but what do Catholics actually believe? What about dinosaurs? How do they fit in? Were Adam and Eve created instantly or in a long process of evolution? Fr. Dave will clarify all these issues with plenty of time for your questions.
Section Date Time Venue SF-03 March 13 7:00-8:30 pm St. Mary of the Assumption Church St. Mary of the Assumption Church
7215 Newlin Ave.
Whittier, CA 90602View MapPurchase tickets at the door