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What effect does aging have on my spirituality and how I make decisions? Has your perspective on religion and your spiritual journey changed over the years? Why is that? Is that to be expected? What might I learn from those changes? How do I deal with an aging perspective on morality, suffering, and my own family members who seem to regard spirituality and organized religion with disinterest?
Section Date Time Venue SP-06 March 18 7:00-8:30 pm St. Mary of the Assumption Church St. Mary of the Assumption Church
7215 Newlin Ave.
Whittier, CA 90602View MapPurchase tickets at the door
What does that mean? How do you actually do it? Our faith is useless unless it is useful in our daily lives. Come and hear the answers to those questions and more. For all Franciscans, that expresses the summation of their way of life. As Catholics you are all called to live as Jesus taught, but would you like to know how to do that in practical thoughts and actions? This talk will make it easy and clear.
Section Date Time Venue SP-07 April 08 7:00-8:30 pm Beatitudes of Our Lord Beatitudes of Our Lord
13013 Santa Gertrudes Ave.
Whittier, CA 90638View MapPurchase tickets at the door
What guidance does the Church give for making wise moral decisions in our troubled times? How does the Church share its rich treasure of wisdom about building a just society? Answer: Catholic Social Teaching. This talk will introduce seven key sources and practical resources for exploring them in depth, and a process for making wise moral choices. These have been called Catholicism’s “best kept secret”. Come and learn and share this “secret”. It could change your life!
Section Date Time Venue CE-03 April 07 7:00-8:30 pm Beatitudes of Our Lord Beatitudes of Our Lord
13013 Santa Gertrudes Ave.
Whittier, CA 90638View MapPurchase tickets at the door
Before leaving office in 1796, Washington gave a 7,641-word Farewell Address. One section is devoted to “religion and morality”. He warns us that our system of government is very dependent upon morality and trust and affirms that religion is the best way to sustain a moral society. Is the USA becoming more religious? Was Washington Baptized a Catholic? Why did he surrender total power twice? Come and discover the surprising religious foundations of our first president and our country.
Section Date Time Venue CE-04 March 11 7:00-8:30 pm St. Bruno Church St. Bruno Church
15740 Citrustree Rd.
Whittier, CA 90603View MapPurchase tickets at the door
We need this now more than ever! This talk introduces the Catholic Church’s teaching on social justice. For more than one hundred years the Church has directly addressed social issues that confront people of good will by applying the teachings of Christ on these issues in contemporary life. We will briefly look at the Biblical roots, the Papal and Conciliar sources, and the eleven essential elements of Catholic teaching.
Section Date Time Venue CE-05 April 08 7:00-8:30 pm St. Bruno Church St. Bruno Church
15740 Citrustree Rd.
Whittier, CA 90603View MapPurchase tickets at the door
Built into our very nature is a desire to know the world around us. The big questions of your life are inescapable: Who am I/? Why am I here, and where am I going? Why is there evil in the world? What is the meaning of life? By tackling these difficult questions, Fr. Spitzer shows that it is precisely through integrating science, reason, and faith that we can truly discover ourselves, our world…and God.
Section Date Time Venue SF-01 March 12 7:00-8:30 pm St. Bruno Church St. Bruno Church
15740 Citrustree Rd.
Whittier, CA 90603View MapPurchase tickets at the door
Did the universe begin with a “Big Bang” as science suggests or the direct hand of God? What is the surprising origin of the Big Bang theory? Can something really be created from nothing? Why does every major Catholic University have a Physics and Biology Department? Fr. Dave will clearly explain how both God and science reveal the truth of our universe…and with plenty of time for your questions.
Section Date Time Venue SF-02 March 21 Noon to 1 pm St. Bruno Church St. Bruno Church
15740 Citrustree Rd.
Whittier, CA 90603View MapPurchase tickets at the door
Did God really create the entire universe in just seven days? The fist book of the bible says so but what do Catholics actually believe? What about dinosaurs? How do they fit in? Were Adam and Eve created instantly or in a long process of evolution? Fr. Dave will clarify all these issues with plenty of time for your questions.
Section Date Time Venue SF-03 March 13 7:00-8:30 pm St. Mary of the Assumption Church St. Mary of the Assumption Church
7215 Newlin Ave.
Whittier, CA 90602View MapPurchase tickets at the door
No one likes to think about dying. Death has a stigma attached to it. Yet, all of us will die. The goal of this workshop is to help alleviate anxiety and uncertainty with our final wishes. You will learn how to advocate for yourself and your family members with advanced planning so that your wishes, and that of your loved ones, are honored. Preparing our final arrangements also makes it easier for those we leave behind so we can rest in peace.
Section Date Time Venue MF-01 March 31 7:00-8:30 pm Beatitudes of Our Lord Beatitudes of Our Lord
13013 Santa Gertrudes Ave.
Whittier, CA 90638View MapPurchase tickets at the door
Most of us know someone who has, or is, grieving the death of a loved one. What we don’t know, however, is how to help them through their grief. Grieving persons need our love and support, but most of us don’t know how to help so we stay away when we are needed the most. Come learn ways to become comfortable with death and be able to offer comfort and support to the grieving at the worst time of their lives.
Section Date Time Venue MF-02 April 10 7:00-8:30 pm Beatitudes of Our Lord Beatitudes of Our Lord
13013 Santa Gertrudes Ave.
Whittier, CA 90638View MapPurchase tickets at the door
All families face challenges and crises that test their unity. To overcome these difficult moments, we need to possess a merciful love capable of healing and renewing family relationships. When we are merciful, we love the way God loves, and family unity becomes possible and more stable. Claire Frazier-Yzaguirre, MFT, M.Div., therapist and speaker in parishes and conferences in our SoCal Dioceses, shares the characteristics of merciful love and psychological skills necessary for a life of unity. Please join us and bring a friend!
Section Date Time Venue MF-03 March 07 Noon to 1 pm Beatitudes of Our Lord Beatitudes of Our Lord
13013 Santa Gertrudes Ave.
Whittier, CA 90638View MapPurchase tickets at the door
This is a repeat of an earlier talk by Claire Frazier-Yzaguirre MFT M-Div. at Beatitudes
Section Date Time Venue MF-04 April 04 Noon to 1 pm Beatitudes of Our Lord Beatitudes of Our Lord
13013 Santa Gertrudes Ave.
Whittier, CA 90638View MapPurchase tickets at the door
This talk will guide parents through the emotional and spiritual challenges they may face when their child comes out as gay. Beginning with prayer, the talk offers a clear understanding of the Church’s teachings on homosexuality, dignity, respect, and chastity. Parents are encouraged to respond calmly with love, and to actively listen, avoiding negative reactions while reaffirming their unconditional support. Practical steps include fostering open communication, seeking further understanding, and balancing faith with parental support, all while integrating Church teachings.
Section Date Time Venue MF-05 March 26 7:00-8:30 pm Beatitudes of Our Lord Beatitudes of Our Lord
13013 Santa Gertrudes Ave.
Whittier, CA 90638View MapPurchase tickets at the door
How can you respond to God’s challenging call to pick up your cross and follow? Simply, you cannot, depending solely on your strength. But God offers you the words and direction to become emotionally and spiritually strong. This course will provide you with scriptural and psychological principles for becoming resilient.
Section Date Time Venue MF-06 April 02 7:00-8:30 pm St. Bruno Church St. Bruno Church
15740 Citrustree Rd.
Whittier, CA 90603View MapPurchase tickets at the door
Too many young people have negative self-images of themselves. We live in a society of perfection, where we put filters on our Instagram posts to make us look better, where we use AI to improve our looks, where we are bombarded by doctors, family, and others telling us we need to look perfect to amount to something in this world…God says otherwise. This talk will discuss self-worth from a Catholic perspective, weaving together truths from Scripture with personal reflection and application.
Section Date Time Venue MF-07 April 09 7:00-8:30 pm St. Bruno Church St. Bruno Church
15740 Citrustree Rd.
Whittier, CA 90603View MapPurchase tickets at the door
When the doctor says you have a serious illness, you might have a lot of questions. What will become of me and my family? How can I face this illness? What is the role of medicine at the end of your life? Why is this happening to me now? Perhaps most important, where is God in all this? Fr. Dave will provide the wisdom of Our Lord to this issue which has already or will affect every single human person.
Section Date Time Venue MF-08 March 25 7:00-8:30 pm St. Mary of the Assumption Church St. Mary of the Assumption Church
7215 Newlin Ave.
Whittier, CA 90602View MapPurchase tickets at the door
We are called by God to become one with Him by cooperating with God’s grace. We will discuss how adults can open themselves more to the presence of God (conversion) in their lives by recognizing the moments of grace n their lives as well as their spiritual faults or failings through examination of conscience and confession. We will also discuss how parents can guide their children to do the same.
Section Date Time Venue MF-09 March 11 7:00-8:30 pm St. Mary of the Assumption Church St. Mary of the Assumption Church
7215 Newlin Ave.
Whittier, CA 90602View MapPurchase tickets at the door
“I don’t think your baby has a soul”. Those are the words my obstetrician said to me when my ultrasound was taken during my 18th week of pregnancy. A grim prognosis, no medical treatment offered…all I had left was prayer. That’s when St. Pio of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio) became a prominent figure in my life. Come and hear my testimony on the power of prayer and how St. Pio interceded for my family.
Section Date Time Venue SP-01 April 01 7:00-8:30 pm St. Mary of the Assumption Church St. Mary of the Assumption Church
7215 Newlin Ave.
Whittier, CA 90602View MapPurchase tickets at the door
When you think of a servant, do you see activity done by low-skilled people at the bottom of society? Servanthood is not about position or skill. It’s about attitude. Jesus led through passionate service to his mission and followers. This talk will explore seven principles of Christ-like leadership: being humble, being a follower first, finding greatness in service rather than power, taking risks, serving others like washing their feet, sharing responsibility and authority, and building a team to carry on the mission.
Section Date Time Venue SP-02 March 10 7:00-8:30 pm Beatitudes of Our Lord Beatitudes of Our Lord
13013 Santa Gertrudes Ave.
Whittier, CA 90638View MapPurchase tickets at the door
In the banishment and desolation of life, we are not alone. Jesus gave us a Mother, and she is an Eternal Mother, who suffers with those who suffer, is left with those who are left and departs with those who depart. Immersed in this Mystery of Mary the mother. She will be our joy and our stillness, our sweetness, and our invincible strength. Come and learn from Mary’s wisdom.
Section Date Time Venue SP-03 April 10 7:00-8:30 pm St. Mary of the Assumption Church St. Mary of the Assumption Church
7215 Newlin Ave.
Whittier, CA 90602View MapPurchase tickets at the door
Have you ever found it hard to pray? Do your structured prayers fall flat? What is prayer anyway? This talk will do a deep dive into our prayer life and what it means to “Pray Without Ceasing”, providing a comprehensive structure for exploring the depth and richness of prayer from a Catholic perspective, aiming to inspire and guide participants in their journey of faith.
Section Date Time Venue SP-04 March 20 7:00-8:30 pm St. Bruno Church St. Bruno Church
15740 Citrustree Rd.
Whittier, CA 90603View MapPurchase tickets at the door
During Lent, we contemplate how to respond to God’s gift of Himself to the world. Jesus invites you to live in your family, church, and world with a more thoughtful generosity born of love. Amidst fear, discouragement, and uncertainty of the future, like Mary at the foot of the Cross, how can you grow in faith and trust? How can you find steadiness and wisdom? This talk will provide much wisdom to stay strong and peaceful, even in a storm!
Section Date Time Venue SP-05 March 14 Noon to 1 pm Beatitudes of Our Lord Beatitudes of Our Lord
13013 Santa Gertrudes Ave.
Whittier, CA 90638View MapPurchase tickets at the door
What role did God and people like St. Jerome, Bishop Athanasius, Martin Luther and even King James play? Why does a Catholic Bible have seven more books than a Protestant Bible? Why are there so many different translations and how does one find a good Catholic translation? What books should be read first, next, last and why? Come and hear how the Bible happened.
Section Date Time Venue AS-01 March 12 7:00-8:30 pm St. Mary of the Assumption Church St. Mary of the Assumption Church
7215 Newlin Ave.
Whittier, CA 90602View MapPurchase tickets at the door
What does the Church teach about the Bible, and how has that teaching evolved over time? Who were the primary influencers on Catholic Biblical thought? How does Catholic theology help us with clear and practical approaches for reading and studying the Bible in small groups?
Section Date Time Venue AS-02 March 19 7:00-8:30 pm St. Mary of the Assumption Church St. Mary of the Assumption Church
7215 Newlin Ave.
Whittier, CA 90602View MapPurchase tickets at the door
What is Lectio Divina and how can it help anyone pray anything and everything in the Bible? What is the Liturgy of the Hours? How and why should Catholics pray the psalms? How can you use the Bible to speak your deepest desires to God?
Section Date Time Venue AS-03 April 09 7:00-8:30 pm St. Mary of the Assumption Church St. Mary of the Assumption Church
7215 Newlin Ave.
Whittier, CA 90602View MapPurchase tickets at the door
This session will dig deeper into events from the New Testament where Jesus healed showing not only His love, mercy and compassion for those he healed, but also show the “bigger picture” of those events for your life today. Hear how they are related to your everyday struggles with illness, or challenges that rob you of peace. See how they connect to the “bigger picture” that God has planned for you and your family. This session is about conversion, salvation, and a witness of hope and love to others.
Section Date Time Venue AS-04 March 20 7:00-8:30 pm St. Mary of the Assumption Church St. Mary of the Assumption Church
7215 Newlin Ave.
Whittier, CA 90602View MapPurchase tickets at the door
This is the most important book in the Old Testament. Everything afterwards depends on your accurately understanding the very first story here. Explore how this story was originally developed and passed down orally through our Jewish brothers and sisters. What really happened? What are the “takeaways” from this great Story of Salvation?
Section Date Time Venue AS-05 March 10 7:00-8:30 pm St. Bruno Church St. Bruno Church
15740 Citrustree Rd.
Whittier, CA 90603View MapPurchase tickets at the door
The three Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke are very similar yet different. Why do we keep proclaiming them in our Three-Year Liturgical Lectionary? Explore how each of these Synoptic Gospels were formed in their individual communities to explain who Christ was for them. Understanding the background for each, will help you understand how you hear them today in modern-day culture.
Section Date Time Venue AS-06 March 17 7:00-8:30 pm St. Bruno Church St. Bruno Church
15740 Citrustree Rd.
Whittier, CA 90603View MapPurchase tickets at the door
There seems to be a lot of violent events there! Did God intend to wipe out all of humanity in Noah’s Flood? Did God really ask Abraham to kill his son? Did God side with the Israelites in their bloody conquest of Canaan? Does God ever side with anyone who uses violence? Is the God of the Old Testament different from the God of the New Testament? How can you understand these two widely different presentations? Fr. Dave will explain how.
Section Date Time Venue AS-07 March 24 7:00-8:30 pm Beatitudes of Our Lord Beatitudes of Our Lord
13013 Santa Gertrudes Ave.
Whittier, CA 90638View MapPurchase tickets at the door
Have you ever wondered what is God’s will for you and how God wants you to live your life in this difficult world? We will explore how Paul’s letter to the Ephesians gives you the answers to how you can live confidently and peacefully in a very hostile world! Learn how to combat these forces and never succumb to any temptations and fall back into your old ways. Learn how to constantly move forward to your reward in Heaven.
Section Date Time Venue AS-08 March 18 7:00-8:30 pm St. Bruno Church St. Bruno Church
15740 Citrustree Rd.
Whittier, CA 90603View MapPurchase tickets at the door
New parenting realities are beyond anything seen in the past ages. Today there are increased rates of anxiety and depression, especially in young girls, as well as skyrocketing rates of suicide among our children. Should parents restrict access to social media? Many children are disconnecting from school and focusing on video games and pornography. What can parents do to address these challenges? What role can our faith play in addressing these realities? Let’s dig deep and discuss what can be done.
Section Date Time Venue EV-01 March 13 7:00-8:30 pm Beatitudes of Our Lord Beatitudes of Our Lord
13013 Santa Gertrudes Ave.
Whittier, CA 90638View MapPurchase tickets at the door
Learning to share our faith with others often brings fear and nervousness. But in this “age of non-belief, hostility or indifference to faith” it is an essential skill for every Catholic to learn. This workshop will offer a practical method to identify a personal experience, and a statement of faith, that can be shared with others, in an unthreatening and mutually respectful manner.
Section Date Time Venue EV-02 March 25 7:00-8:30 pm Beatitudes of Our Lord Beatitudes of Our Lord
13013 Santa Gertrudes Ave.
Whittier, CA 90638View MapPurchase tickets at the door
This is a repeat of an earlier talk by Fr. Ed Dover at Beatitudes.
Section Date Time Venue EV-03 March 27 7:00-8:30 pm St. Mary of the Assumption Church St. Mary of the Assumption Church
7215 Newlin Ave.
Whittier, CA 90602View MapPurchase tickets at the door
Vatican II gave people access to the prayer of Jesus, Our Great High Priest. This workshop will explore how the Second Vatican Council restored access of the people and their proper participation in the Mass – the prayer of Jesus, Our Great High Priest. The Mass is not “the act of the priest” it is the act of Jesus and all the Baptized. This session will explore current challenges we face in our culture to that access. All of this with an eye towards “full and active participation”.
Section Date Time Venue EV-04 April 01 7:00-8:30 pm Beatitudes of Our Lord Beatitudes of Our Lord
13013 Santa Gertrudes Ave.
Whittier, CA 90638View MapPurchase tickets at the door
This is a repeat of an earlier talk by Fr. Ed Dover at Beatitudes.
Section Date Time Venue EV-05 April 03 7:00-8:30 pm St. Mary of the Assumption Church St. Mary of the Assumption Church
7215 Newlin Ave.
Whittier, CA 90602View MapPurchase tickets at the door
The Biblical verses in both the Old and New Testaments give scriptural examples and reasons for devotion to the Blessed Mother. How is Mary the “New Eve”, the Co-Redemptrix through her fiat, and Mediatrix of All Graces. You will hear practical instructions on how to have a devotion to our Blessed Mother to receive graces.
Section Date Time Venue EV-06 March 26 7:00-8:30 pm St. Bruno Church St. Bruno Church
15740 Citrustree Rd.
Whittier, CA 90603View MapPurchase tickets at the door
In an increasingly divided world, how can you engage meaningfully with those you disagree with? This talk introduces three psychological concepts that will help you converse effectively with others, even when viewpoints differ. Drawing from St. Paul’s approach, we’ll explore how these psychological principles connect with timeless biblical wisdom. Discover how to transform challenging conversations into deeper, purpose-driven connections.
Section Date Time Venue EV-07 April 03 7:00-8:30 pm St. Bruno Church St. Bruno Church
15740 Citrustree Rd.
Whittier, CA 90603View MapPurchase tickets at the door
Have you ever found yourself speechless when someone criticizes the Catholic Church and frustrated that you didn’t know how to respond? This talk will teach you a simple 3-step approach that works in almost any situation – no need to be a theologian or Bible expert. All you need is basic logic. Plus, you will learn an easy roleplay technique that will leave critics of the Church stunned and at a loss for words. Next time someone says, “Catholics are wrong” you won’t have to turn away. Let’s turn the tables and empower you to defend your faith confidently.
Section Date Time Venue EV-08 March 27 7:00-8:30 pm St. Bruno Church St. Bruno Church
15740 Citrustree Rd.
Whittier, CA 90603View MapPurchase tickets at the door
A recent survey of former Catholics found that 74 precent said they stopped identifying as Catholic when they were teenagers, with some deciding as early as age 12 or 13. What should parents do to effectively pass the Faith to their children? Building on three focal points, this talk will offer practical steps for raising children, infants through teenagers, in the Faith.
Section Date Time Venue EV-09 March 28 Noon to 1 pm St. Bruno Church St. Bruno Church
15740 Citrustree Rd.
Whittier, CA 90603View MapPurchase tickets at the door
This is a repeat of an earlier talk by Ed Vidaurri at St. Bruno.
Section Date Time Venue EV-10 April 02 7:00-8:30 pm St. Mary of the Assumption Church St. Mary of the Assumption Church
7215 Newlin Ave.
Whittier, CA 90602View MapPurchase tickets at the door
Did God really give land just to the Israelites? Who really owns that land? What were the Crusades all about, and why is the land called Holy? What is driving all events there today? Fr. Dave has led 19 archaeological trips to the Middle East and will share his insights on how a Catholic understanding brings a fresh perspective to age old problems.
Section Date Time Venue CE-01 March 17 7:00-8:30 pm Beatitudes of Our Lord Beatitudes of Our Lord
13013 Santa Gertrudes Ave.
Whittier, CA 90638View MapPurchase tickets at the door
Fr. Dave will host a “Catholic Press Conference” style event where you can ask questions on any topic of our faith. You can submit written questions or ask them personally yourself. Any topic of our faith is welcome.
Section Date Time Venue CE-02 March 06 7:00-8:30 pm St. Bruno Church St. Bruno Church
15740 Citrustree Rd.
Whittier, CA 90603View MapPurchase tickets at the door