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Swimming Upstream: Healthy Sexual Knowledge

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Swimming Upstream: Healthy Sexual Knowledge


How can parents teach healthy sexual morality and even gender identity to their children? Is church teaching on contraception real? These questions tie together in Pope John Paul’s amazing vision of the human person, Theology of the Body. Come and hear wisdom to guide your children, dialogue with others, and gain family planning knowledge. There will be plenty of time for questions too.How can parents teach healthy sexual morality and even gender identity to their children? Is church teaching on contraception real? These questions tie together in Pope John Paul’s amazing vision of the human person, Theology of the Body. Come and hear wisdom to guide your children, dialogue with others, and gain family planning knowledge. There will be plenty of time for questions too.How can parents teach healthy sexual morality and even gender identity to their children? Is church teaching on contraception real? These questions tie together in Pope John Paul’s amazing vision of the human person, Theology of the Body. Come and hear wisdom to guide your children, dialogue with others, and gain family planning knowledge. There will be plenty of time for questions too.How can parents teach healthy sexual morality and even gender identity to their children? Is church teaching on contraception real? These questions tie together in Pope John Paul’s amazing vision of the human person, Theology of the Body. Come and hear wisdom to guide your children, dialogue with others, and gain family planning knowledge. There will be plenty of time for questions too.




March 12


7:00-8:30 pm


Beatitudes of Our Lord


Christine Rodriguez